
目病治足——Curing Eye Disease by Treating the Feet

A man suffered from red and swollen eyes. The pain was so unbearable that he asked Ye Tianshi for diagnosis and treatment. Ye Tianshi said: “You needn't worry about your eyes. They will heal of their own accord. The concern is that seven days after they recover, your feet will get toxin swelling. Once your feet begin to swell, there is no cure.”
Frightened, the man begged for a prescription. Ye Tianshi said: “You need some rest and peace of mind. Use your left palm to rub the middle of your right sole 36 times, and use your right palm to rub the middle of your left sole thirty-six times. You should do seven times each day, then after seven days come and see me.”
Seven days later, the man came and said: “My eyes are okay now. I want to know whether my feet will swell and generate the toxin or not.” Ye Tianshi laughed: “I lied about your feet swelling with toxin. You are rich and honorable, and death is the only thing you worry about. So when you concentrated your whole mind on the middle of your soles and rubbed them, the fire descended and your eyes healed.”
——赵申申摘自《品读名医》From Readings on Famous Doctors
Translator: Zhao Shenshen

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